Thursday, March 23, 2023
Royal Olympic Athens Hotel

About the Forum

Financial-Academy presents the 10th Fund Strategies Forum that brings together top minds and professionals within the Funds Industry from Europe to help investors to make the most of their investment decisions.

The conference will provide a comprehensive networking platform for businessmen, wealthy investors, professional investors & advisors and meanwhile it will deliver knowledge updates from leading industry professionals locally and abroad.

The forum will focus on the global and local macro dynamics and investments while taking a closer look at the ESG trends and Regulatory environment regarding the industry. Meanwhile, Mid-Market infrastructure opportunities and how to build an infrastructure equity program, will be presented.

More specifically, the topics that will be discussed are the following ones:

  • What are the
    • challenges of the current global environment?
    • the political risk around the world?
    • the new dynamics after the war in Ukraine?
    • the energy prices and the climate changes?
  • The macroeconomics of the Greek economy.
  • What are the processes and the motivation behind investing in Infrastructure Equity?
  • What is the strategy and the implementation approach selected in Infrastructure Equity?
  • What are the implications and opportunities for asset managers with the entry into force as of 1 January 2023 of the SFDR requirements?
  • What is likely to hit the global economy in 2023?
  • Could 2023 be a better year for both bonds and stocks?
  • What is the SI landscape for 2023?
  • How distributors can build stronger, and more sustainable, portfolios in the current market environment.
  • What are some of the ways that natural capital investments can help contribute towards a net zero economy?
  • What are some of the potential returns that investors can see from these types of investments?
  • How does investing in natural capital compare to other types of investments when it comes to contributing to a net zero economy?


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