About the Forum
The Forum brings together high caliber speakers to discuss about many interesting issues concerning the latest fund strategies in a turbulent geopolitical environment as well as the current situation in the Greek market.
Some of the topics that will be discussed are:
Euro area and Greece. Current macroeconomic developments and outlook.
The key themes for investors moving into 2016 are related to: how the global growth and inflation will move, when the Fed will raise rates, and how the Chinese authorities will deal with structural reforms to support growth and the manufacturing sector.
Emerging markets can still face headwinds, but a lot of adjustments did already occurred and some central banks in the Euro area and in Japan will continue to provide liquidity to support the global recovery.
The “battles” in the Investment Management of Pension & Provident Funds arena. The “battles” that will be discussed, refer to the following investment management issues:
- Risk vs. Return
- Active vs. Passive Management
- Top-Down vs. Bottom-up Investment Strategies
- Bonds vs. Equity
- Traditional vs. Alternative Investments